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Did you know Professor J.R.R Tolkien, author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, opened Deddington Library in 1956? 


In response to a letter thanking him for his contribution at the opening by Miss Stanley-Smith (County Librarian) on 14th December 1956, Tolkien replied “Even making allowances for your kindness and courtesy, your letter relieved me, as I was depressed at my wretched and inadequate performance.  Even so, I do not think it could merit any fee, and I should feel it much more suitable that I should present a volume to the Deddington Library in memory of a pleasant occasion ...'


His fee, as agreed by the Libraries Board on 12th September 1956 was £2: 2: 0 with expenses allowable up to £10.00! The copies of the original letters he sent regarding his engagement were presented to the Library Manager in 2011 and are framed on the library wall….


Call in and have a look, it is a fascinating piece of history.



Deddington Library has survived many changes and challenges since 1956, but none quite like the challenge faced nine years ago when OCC budget cuts were so severe the only options were to close libraries or reduce funding and rely on volunteer help and community fundraising to meet the shortfall.


Deddington Library has survived many changes and challenges since 1956, but none quite like the challenge faced nine years ago when OCC budget cuts were so severe the only options were to close libraries or reduce funding and rely on volunteer help and community fundraising to meet the shortfall.


Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) agreed to enable community libraries to be volunteer supported and community funded, this became our next challenge.


In 2014 Deddington Parish Council led a meeting where a campaign committee was formed, and several key decisions were made, and actions undertaken. The Friends of Deddington Library was re-formed and constituted itself as a charity on the 15th July 2015, the aim being to seek funding support from a subscription-based membership and other fundraising activities to support the library.


A community volunteer model was formed, and volunteers came forward who were trained to do some of the tasks previously undertaken by library assistants, who were redeployed to other larger libraries.

Volunteers play a vital role in supporting the day to day running of the library and make a significant and very valuable contribution.


Local award-winning author becomes patron of Deddington Library.


Linda Newbery, author of Barney the Boat Dog series, Lob and Return to Flambards is the patron of our library and has supported us in numerous ways over the years, from helping to promote the library at the Farmers' Market stall to holding author events for adults and children in the library. Linda is a great asset to the library, and we are incredibly grateful for her support.


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